Saturday, December 27, 2014

This week at the library; or, This Day at the Library to be precise

What's going on in my head and at the library
  • Most of this week I was either on vacation or we were closed. My vacations tend to be extremely boring and this one wasn't much different - I immersed myself in Cybils, tackling a large pile of reading/reviewing for Cybils, No Flying No Tights, and my blog and cooked a bunch of food to go in my freezer. However, I did make a trip down to Chicago's christkindlmarket, the third year I've done it, with a friend. Hence the picture, which is Polish pottery I've admired every time but could never bring myself to pay the high price for....but I had some birthday money from my mom so I splurged! I also bought vast amounts of popcorn - since we had to wait in line almost an hour, I felt that I deserved extra (and my friend got a chocolate cat b/c waiting made us miss our train by literally 30 seconds and we had to go buy chocolate in the interim hour waiting for the next train. Such hardship.)
  • I only worked one day this week, Friday. It was insane. Any vestiges of vacation were wiped away. I went over shifting with my aide, cleared off a little spot on my desk to put more holds (I had 63 holds come in while I was gone, all titles I need to look at for Neighborhoods), wrote a grant for the library gardens, and then was on the desk from 3-6 which was insane as we just turned on the security gates for RFID, a new self-checkout machine (which I didn't know how to use) was installed while I was gone, the printer crashed twice, we had several difficult and/or time-consuming patrons, but I managed to finish the STE's. Phew!

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